About Us

Our 24th Year!!!

The venues we dine at are mainly around the Bury area, their details and the menus are here. Once you have registered and attended your first dinner you can book future dinners over the telephone, by email or by post.

Whilst there are no strict rules regarding age, most members are 60 plus (reliving the Swinging Sixties !) . 
So - what can you expect? I make every effort to achieve a balance of ladies and gentlemen but there are no guarantees. However, I feel sure you will enjoy the good food and lively conversation as well as the opportunity to increase your social circle. 

I am always on hand at each dinner to chat. Do remember, the success of your evening can depend on whether you “gel” with the company with whom you are seated. The following dinner that you choose to attend, you will be sat with a different group of people, so do bear this in mind.

The cost of your dinner is £40 for a 3 course dinner with choices and a coffee to follow. All dinners have a D.J. and dancing and are held in private function rooms for L.D.C. members only. It is essential that all bookings are paid for in advance to ensure a place (at least 7 days beforehand) and this is non-refundable should you cancel. Early booking is advisable.

Tips are at your own discretion. Don’t worry about what to wear, you will be advised of suitable dress codes. We meet for pre-dinner drinks at 7pm for dinner at 8pm prompt (must keep Chef happy!).

Some people choose to stay over either at the venue or nearby, hotel reservations are your own responsibility but I can assist you with contact numbers. 

Incidentally, over 50 marriages and dozens of romantic relationships and long-lasting friendships have developed since February 2000 when the first dinner was held in a small restaurant in Bury - from where the chef has since achieved considerable success in many upmarket establishments in Manchester.

Should you choose to attend I will give you a warm welcome and introduce you to other diners to help you feel more relaxed. Please remember, many are initially in the same situation, coming alone.  If you wish to sit on the same table as friends, please put this in writing when you send your menu choices and payment.

Holidays too with LDC ! Details are included in newsletters which current attendees receive.

So - can you afford not to join this NO MEMBERSHIP FEE organisation - the only one of its kind in the North West?

LDC is a completely independent organisation and I host all events; I have been affectionately nicknamed The Dinner Lady! 
I very much look forward to meeting you. 
Bon appetit,
Landline 01706 82 3536
Mob 0776 2116 437 

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